Creating Bills

To create a bill, click the top right "Add New" button on your Dashboard and choose "Bill".

You will then be taken to an empty bill template, offering a series of text and numerical inputs, which we'll go into now:

Bill Title:
At the top of your bill you'll be able to specify an alternative title for your statement. For bills, this defaults to "Bill".
Bill Description:
Right below your bill title you'll be able to enter a description for your bill, which will later also act as a reference in your list of bills. Keep this description short - near the bottom of your bill you'll be able to provide a more detailed description.
Bill No.

Your bill number sequentially increases with each bill created. To make changes to your bill sequence style, simply adjust it on an bill once - invoicely will automatically detect the change and number any future bills accordingly.

The language you would like your bill to appear in. You can manage your languages by navigating to Business Settings Business Customizations Languages
The currency you would like your bill amounts to be displayed in.
"From" field:

In invoices and estimates, this is your business. When working with bills, this is the business acting as your vendor.

"To" field:
In invoices and estimates, this is your client. When working with bills, this is your business.
The date your bill is issued (defaults to today's date).
Bill Due:

Here you can specify a number of days (after the bill date) or a fixed date your bill becomes due.

Line Item Description:
The name and description of your line item. Below this field on the right side you'll see four buttons, allowing you to upload files, add a date, include hyperlinks in your description, and add tags. On the right side there may be three additional buttons allowing you to add item-based taxes, discounts and shipping.
Quantity, Rate, Unit:
Your line item quantity, per-unit price and unit.
Your line item total amount before taxes. For items, time entries and mileage entries this will be calculated automatically. When adding expenses to your bill, the line item amount is editable.
Total Taxes, Discounts
& Shipping:
Below your "Balance" line on the right side you may see three buttons, allowing you to add taxes, discounts and shipping to your bill sub total. You can specify default taxes, discounts and shipping by navigating to Business Settings Taxes, Discounts & Shipping
Bill Note:
Your bill note (or description). You are free to fill this with any type of information. You can specify a bill default note by navigating to Business Settings Business Customizations Notes & Emails Invoice Default Note
Bill Footer:
You can specify an bill default footer by navigating to Business Settings Business Customizations Notes & Emails Statement Footer
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