Adding a Business

Adding a new business to your invoicely account is simple. Navigate to the top-left dropdown menu and select "Exit Business"

You will then be taken to a page where all of your currently active invoicely businesses are listed. Below this list click on "Add Business"

Finally, enter your business name and Vanity URL. Can't remember what either of these are? Here's a quick reminder:

Business Name: This is the name you would like your business to be referred to throughout your invoicely control panel. If you're an individual and would like to use your full name instead, simply check the "I'm an individual" checkbox below.

Vanity URL: Your Vanity URL is the URL your invoicely account will be hosted at. In other words, this is the URL that will be used to make your invoices available to your clients. Example: If your business name is "John's Plumbing", you may want to enter "johnsplumbing" for your Vanity URL (resulting in

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